10 Things I Wish I Had Told My Younger Self ….. (I’ll teach my kids!)

Posted On July 28, 2016

(1) Choose a job you love

We spend far too much time in work so make sure you enjoy it, not slog away looking at the clock until the bell goes every day – years will pass you by!

(2) If something is broken in your life – FIX IT.

If you wallow in self-pity or think “well that’s how life is”, you’re choosing to stay there. Do Something, ANYTHING, that changes that path.

(3) Be Grateful For What You Have

We have great lives despite what we tell ourselves. Yeah life can seem tough sometimes but it’s pretty wonderful. Enjoy it!

(4) This is not a dress rehearsal

We only get one life, grab it with both hands and enjoy every second you can. Years will go rapidly. You need to experience things NOW

(5) Don’t blame your parents for your genes

Our parents did their best, I guarantee that. WE have control over OUR lives. We create our OWN path. Do it!

(6) Never let anyone tell you, you can’t.

Been here! Just because another person feels THEY can’t do something with their lives, they assume YOU can’t. RUBBISH.

(7) Trust your gut instinct.

As I get older, I realise this is powerful. I’ve followed others for years and their path, ignoring my gut. Now I follow my gut ….. and it’s rarely wrong!!!!

(8) Spend Money

Money has no value whatsoever if you don’t spend it. Of course, keep savings, but use it to your advantage. Hoarding money does not good at all.

(9) Realise that helping people is the greatest gift.

I’m not just talking about fitness – any career or way of life. If you can help a person, make their life better, touch their heart – that’s FAR more rewarding than gathering wealth or having a nice car.

(10) Be Yourself.

We are all unique. We all have our own gifts that others don’t have and will like. Embrace it. NEVER be ashamed that you are different. It’s a GOOD thing.

I wonder if anyone can add their own! šŸ™‚

Written by Kevin Hurley

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