Do You Fit This Profile? (our ideal member)

Posted On August 16, 2024

We Only Help These People. (it’s a good thing).

Who is our ideal member? 🤔

We don’t really worry too much about shape, size, age, ability, experience. We’re open to working with anyone BUT they must fit the bill.

They must:

Be Coachable – willing to learn and soak up our experience with strength training.

Have Enthusiasm – they value the real difference our programs make to their daily life and love getting in (even when they don’t feel like it)

They Trust: our coaching team. They’ll follow advice and no one thinks they always have the answer or know better.
Sociable: we can’t all be extroverts but joining in the craic during sessions and our community events is important to us.

They Can Dance: Between exercising, we love to see people dancing, even if it’s badly. **Only joking but this is a definite bonus!** 😆

A seemingly harsh fact (but it’s a positive thing) about fitness businesses is: we can’t help every single person. Each facility will have their own particular brand, ethos, training systems, that suit some people and not others. And that’s ok.

It means you build a community of similar people who are easy to coach, who enjoy the environment, like each other and create a great energy in the room during sessions!

If you fit this bill. You’re willing to learn how to be stronger, fitter, more toned and confident, with a like minded, fun community, drop us a PM and we’ll explain how you can get started today.

Best wishes,


Written by Kevin Hurley

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