Too often, we’ll speak with ladies who want to get out of a fitness rut – but fear lifting weights because they “don’t want to get bigger”.
We’re proud to say that our mission years ago was to kill this horrible virus infecting the fitness industry and people’s minds.
Facts are this: weight training increases your metabolism (better than cardio!), makes you ….
More toned 🔥
Changes your body shape 🔥
Boosts your confidence 🔥
Takes away the aches and pains of ageing 🔥
Makes life easier 🔥
And a million other things ……
We appreciate strength training is associated with images of tanned men and women on stage with tanned, bulging biceps, veins popping out.
BUT ….. these people are body-builders – who have specifically created that look by training twice a day for hours on end, eating 5+ meals, sleeping lots and (not really having a life except for this!) **forget any booze or ‘fun’**
So we understand the confusion.
Who we help are ‘older’, busy people who simply want to enjoy exercise (finally), get some consistency going, in a welcoming community, without extreme diets or exercise regimes. 🙂
The only thing we help to get bigger is the smile on your face!