Are You Training For War Or Health?




“You’re not going to shout at me are you? It really doesn’t motivate me. I’ve had this at my last gym. “
(👆👆what we were asked by a new recruit yesterday).
This is one of our pet hates within the fitness industry. Fitness ‘professionals’ whose modus operandi is **scream, push, don’t let up, be tough**.
To be honest, there are times when a bit of energy, a bit a volume, a bit of oopmh helps. But not all the time!
We prefer our coaches to, yep, ‘coach’. Strange huh? We focus a LOT on discussing, improving, tweaking how we coach.
👉👉 We sell **quality coaching** – – not noise and banging beats. We don’t get in people’s faces.
Also, we prefer our coaches to have emotional intelligence. This is a huge part of our hiring process.
Meaning, they must have an instinct for the type of personality a person has, what type of encouragement they need.
Some people need a hug and patience, others can be pushed a little more. Everyone is different.
But ultimately, we’re not getting ready for war. We just want people to look better, feel better and have more confidence AND enjoy their health.
What type of coaching do you prefer? What motivates you? Drop us a comment, we’d love to hear! 😁🙏



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