Fitness Blog
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Be Old Doing This ……
"Be The Oldest In The Weights Room. Not The Youngest In The Care Home." It might be time to stop thinking of muscle gain as a vanity-driven goal. New research suggests that resistance training isn’t merely a recommended activity — it’s a necessary habit to help fight...
Fitness is Boring (Mostly)
Fitness, over time, can be INCREDIBLY boring. To boost our members recently, we gave them a little insight into our new training format which we're rolling out in Ely in September. They gave the usual efforts and left feeling inspired, we think! But it got us thinking...
Do You Fit This Profile? (our ideal member)
We Only Help These People. (it's a good thing). Who is our ideal member? We don't really worry too much about shape, size, age, ability, experience. We're open to working with anyone BUT they must fit the bill. They must: Be Coachable - willing to learn and soak up...
We Help You Get Bigger (confidence and smile only) 🙂
Too often, we'll speak with ladies who want to get out of a fitness rut - but fear lifting weights because they "don't want to get bigger". We're proud to say that our mission years ago was to kill this horrible virus infecting the fitness industry and people's...
We Ply Our Members With Booze (if they want!) 🙂
You might think this is a strange thing to do - for a fitness professional! Firstly, I love drinking (at the weekends). It's my time to relax, put my feet up, enjoy my family. So I'm not a food or drink Nazi! We're not on this earth for long. 🙂 But I know that...
Inspired By Two Very Sick People…. (Important Lesson)
TWO very sick people (who returned to training with us) told me the SAME thing yesterday...... It wasn't about weight gain. It wasn't about poorer nutrition. It wasn't tighter clothes. It was FAR more important (I'm sure you'll agree). Have a watch please. We think...