BIG Change – Hard and Scary …… But Never As Bad As We Think!

Posted On May 16, 2016

Well it’s a new era for Hurley Fitness in Ely.

Just preparing to move to a spanking new premises.

Bigger, better, more expensive (yikes!)

Gone from a lone personal trainer on that journey all those years ago

— to a business person with a thriving business.

AND elevating things even further to the next level.

Pretty scary stuff if you let it get inside your head.

Thinking ….. “But what if…….??”

We all do it >>>>>>

Focus on the things we CAN’T control.

Rather than the things we CAN control.

Thinking about what could go WRONG

Rather than thinking about what could go RIGHT.

Let’s take the weight loss problem many of us face for example……..

We worry about:

“What if I don’t lose weight even if I do my best?”

“What if I fail when I eat in the future?”

“What happens if I’m can’t get away from work and miss a session?”

All vague, non-existent problems sucking up our energy.

Instead of focusing on controllable things ………

Like >>>>>>

Getting meals prepared in advance, getting to bed an hour earlier, organising your diary to get the best chance of being able to exercise….. and so on.

All positive stuff.

That’s today’s message, short and sweet.


Focus on small, positive steps.

Gradual, daily improvement.

Not overwhelmed by the big picture of end goal.

= RESULTS!!!! 🙂




Written by Kevin Hurley

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