Burn The Boats To Take The Island.




“Burn the boats to take the island”.

GREAT statement in my opinion.

What does it mean I hear you ask???

How does this relate to my fitness, my weight loss, my life?


Have you REALLY committed to a weight loss program with consistent effort???

I mean, TOTAL dedication.

Like your life depended on it.

There was no other option but to succeed.

“Whoa, easy there mister personal trainer!!!”

Course I have.

“Have you? Really?”

I’m talking weeks, months, years of dedication. Mastering the basics so that they become part of your lifestyle.

Not three weeks good, fall off the wagon, give up, try something new that might work attitude.

Because if you did – you would have succeeded.

As humans, we WILL achieve whatever we REALLY, REALLY want.

Trust me…….

What becomes a MUST – WILL HAPPEN.

If your weight loss was an absolute MUST, would you succumb to the night time cravings?

Would you not be bothered going to the class when you don’t feel like it?

Would you be really impatient and give up at the first obstacle.

Damn right you wouldn’t >>>>>>

Because it’s a MUST.

When you burn your boats, you HAVE to take the island.

No other option.

There is no exit plan except success.

So, how can anything become a must.

Step One: Attach PAIN to your current reality.

— That is, think, feel, understand the emotions of frustration, hurt, embarrassment, anger, shame etc – the things you feel about your body at present.

Think about that DAILY.

Step Two: Attach PLEASURE to what you want to achieve.

Visualise getting into that dress you want, imagine how confident you would feel much fitter, slimmer, healthier.

Think about this DAILY.

Compare the two DAILY.


If your pleasure, your future, is so compelling, you will achieve it.

You will be drawn towards it.

It will almost be effortless, you want it so badly.

You must burn your boats.

Anything else is just playing, pretending that you desperately want it.

Harsh words perhaps, but having worked as a personal trainer for years, it’s a pattern that I’ve seen many, many times.

Even used it myself.

Still use it.

So if you see me walking through Ely muttering to myself >>>>>

I’m not nuts.

Just reminding myself about how compelling my goals are!

Practising what I preach.






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