Master This – Build Strength. Simple!

Posted On September 8, 2022

There’s a reason why the basics have always stayed the same – they work!

The squat has always been central to any proven exercise regime – it’s no different to us in Ely! You may classify this as a “leg” exercise but it’s a total body exercise which incorporates a huge amount of large muscle groups (quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, back, shoulders, everything really).

So if building strength is your goal, learning to squat is a really good idea.

If ‘toning up’ is your goal, learning to squat is a really good idea.

If fat loss is your goal, learning to squat is a really good idea.

Basically, not matter what your goal is, you should squat!

Especially if you’re 50+ and things ain’t what they used to be — getting out of chairs is a little creakier, getting up stairs means using a hand rail to haul yourself up, for example.

This of course is central to our programs at Hurley Fitness in Ely, in many different forms (including people who have ‘bad knees’). Squatting makes life easier and makes your jeans feel good. Get squatting!!

What’s your favourite exercise and why? We’d love to hear! 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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