Do You Want To Feel AMAZING ….. Within TWO HOURS?

Posted On November 2, 2016



>>> Conversation I had yesterday says it all<<<

Lady, agd 50, just completed her first week with Hurley Fitness.

2 Sessions in. 2 hours work.

“I’m already feeling so much better. Eating better, sleeping better, more energy. My bad knees even feel stronger, less pain.”


I think what we do at Hurley Fitness is GREAT.


To have so much physical change in just TWO HOURS with us – even we can’t take that much credit!

So where does all of it come from then, she asked??????





Yes, 90% of that initial feeling GREAT, comes from inside her mind.

After years of being stuck in a RUT. Eating rubbish, self-loathing, knowing what needs to be done — but not doing ANYTHING.

Over-run with work, no work/life balance, feeling that herself was the last thing to prioritise.

That all added up to one unhappy, stressful, hard-to-break cycle of despair.


She is now taking ACTION.

FIXING herself.


Saying: “OK, ENOUGH!!!!!”.

And that’s what’s making her feel GREAT more than anything else.

Feeling like YOU are in CONTROL of your life, not just rumbling through days, months, years, stuck in the mud.

So this fits nicely into what I’ve noticed over years of working with people.

Weight loss, lack of fitness, no energy — all the things people want to fix.

And that will come.

But the BIGGEST thing is >>> BEING IN CHARGE.




DECIDING what you will look like, how your life will look, what your relationships will be like, how happy you are.

These are the surprises you will feel FIRST.

Helping you realise their are much more important things than what the scales say.

How has success above been achieved????


((Not muscles))


So your clothes fit better.
You can lift your kids with ease.
Your joints don’t creak and hurt in the morning.
Backside feel more toned than ever.
Able to wear T-shirt that show off your arms.
And so on.

Simple really.

That’s why we don’t complicate it. 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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