Want Great Results From Simple Nutrition? Ok Then……. 🙂

Posted On April 12, 2016

You know what?

I must research and study for at least an hour everyday.

Holed up in my Ely studio, locked away from the world. Learning.

(Yeah, I’m one of those personal trainer freaks who loves exercise and nutrition)

I just can’t get enough info about it…….

Or at least I thought!

Been reading lots today and just getting CONFUSED!!!!!

  • How many grammes of this?
  • When should I eat/train?
  • Should I eat at night?
  • Can I eat this at such a time?
  • And so on and so on……

To the point, I was beginning to get very discombobulated (great word!) and starting to not believe the things I know work and get great results.


It got me thinking >>>>>

If I’M confused, what’s it like for the dude and dudette on the street?

Must be a minefield eh?

Probably a good reason why you’ve failed to follow things through in the past?

Distracted by the latest thing promising fast, lasting results …. YESTERDAY!!

Twas then I decided:

To pick the top THREE simple, POWERFUL nutrition tips that I would recommend to get you great results.

So here goes>>>>>>>>

(1) Reduce Complex Carbs:

Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes. We don’t need carbs to survive (not like protein and fat which are essential). “But what about for energy?” Just use protein, fat and vegetables for the MAJORITY of your diet. We typically have 70% carbs in our diet. Cut it down! Take in about 40% (or just cut in half what you normally have to do it simply) and you’ll have a much better chance of shedding the pounds.

(2) Increase Protein:

Up intake of meats, nuts, seeds, oily fish, beans. How much should you have? Each meal should contain a protein source the size of your palm. Less carbs, more protein, replace them. Not rocket science is it?

(3) Get Enough Water Daily:

What I hear is: “Yes, I drink water, I usually have a glass before bed”. ??????? Measure your weight in kilos, multiply that figure by 0.033. That’s how much you should be having. Simple.

There you have it folks.

Three simple, powerful, proven tips.

Execute CONSISTENTLY over a number of weeks.

Watch your weight loss sky-rocket.

Get results like never before.

Feel amazing.

I promise.


Written by Kevin Hurley

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