You’ve Never Been Fat, You Don’t Know What It’s Like (Shocker!!)

Posted On March 1, 2018

There’s nothing more patronising than a sculpted luminous lycra-clad fitness person (male or female) saying to someone who needs help: “You just have to stop eating rubbish”.

Very helpful right??? NOT!!! No empathy whatsoever, not understanding a person’s challenges, not aligning themselves with the person they’ve promised to help.

**Sidenote: It’s not ok for us fitness dudes to be pushovers, we need to be demanding but fair!**

Anyway ………

I’ve heard the immortal line “You’ve never been fat have you?” numerous times in my career.

Truth is: I’m living the life of a ‘fat’ person every single day …… one who decides to take action and get results anyway.

Let me explain >>>>>>>

I fully understand how daunting it is when a person is stuck in that place, I believe. I’m talking a vicious cycle of trying, failing and being overwhelmed.

It’s SO hard to whip up momentum to change, when you feel like nothing works – what’s the point?

But I think I understand the emotions involved when someone has HAD ENOUGH and will do anything to break the rot that has set in.

That’s some real powerful emotions right there that is spurring that person on from within. Urging them to decide that things MUST change.

…… no matter how hard or scary the prospect is. It’s getting DONE!!!!!!

((These are the type of people I really love helping – no excuses anymore. It’s life or death stuff! They give you their everything)).

And I’m going to be really honest with you ….

I’ve been in this situation TWICE in my life.

When I realised that things had to change. That I had to take some difficult and SCARY changes to my life.

When I was honest enough to say: what I’m doing isn’t working, I need to change something.

((Exactly like the person embarking on a transformation program)).

Times when I realised I needed to invest in myself to learn stuff and bring the changes I needed.

And the DOUBTS set in. The VOICES urge you not to do it.


“You can’t do that”.

“What happens if it doesn’t work?”

“Think of what you’ll lose”.


All nonsense, designed to keep me where I am.

But I’m a huge believer in this: I will NEVER, NOT do something through doubting myself or through fear of the unknown.

Because I know we ALL surprise ourselves when our backs are against the wall. We do EXCEPTIONAL things.

<<But that doesn’t mean it’s not?damn scary!!!!>>

And (more importantly) I could never look back in 20 years and think: “I wonder what would’ve happened if I had done that??” >>> That would kill me.

So ……..

Have I been really overweight in my life? Not really.

But I know what that feels like.

I’ll finish on a positive note!

If you’re in that space, feel deep down you KNOW you have to do it BUT the voices are stopping? you >>>>>

Just take ANY action first of all and stop over-thinking stuff.

You’ll make mistakes but you can fix these on the way.

And you’ll surprise yourself, trust me!

Hope that helps,


My YouTube Channel

Our Transformation Programs








Written by Kevin Hurley

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