CRIPPLED With Back Pain. (No More!)

Posted On September 22, 2022

Meet Tom.

We call him ‘Big T’. Because he’s around 6’4″! He had traditionally been a runner (his long legs seemed to suit it). But after a while he started to get crippling back pain all the time. This really dominated his life. Can you imagine?

Sitting down at a desk for work too didn’t help — but this is an issue we see ALL the time.

He joined our strength program as a complete novice, he literally hadn’t a clue how to do anything. (He’s always wanted to learn but felt intimidated by weights and the people – so stuck to running).

Problem is: runners are not very strong. They can run long distances BUT they are pretty weak which often makes life difficult, as we have heard. So he was a blank canvas for us.

Initially he was able to lift 40kg for five times only as his back was screaming NO MORE!! And he wasn’t very confident that he would be able to do it.

Three months later, Tom’s back pain has GONE! By developing his core strength, improving his posture, becoming stronger and more toned, life feels pretty good. Oh, and his confidence is sky high.

Today, he expertly lifted 100KG (more than DOUBLE right?) and he felt darn good.

Commonly, weight loss is the only reason to exercise but being pain free, more confident, life tasks feeling easier, feeling more attractive, clothes feeling better — all achieved through strength training – are amazing reasons to lift!

What’s your fitness goal? Drop us a message, we’d love to hear! 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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