Why The Dickens Are You Not Getting Results?

Posted On December 13, 2017

If Charles Dickens was alive today he wouldn?t be writing books ? he?d be helping MILLIONS of people fitness industry!

AND he?d be getting AMAZING, PHENOMENAL, OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD, results!!!!!

How do I know? Well, let?s think about his famous novel we all love this time of year ? A Christmas Carol.

If you?ve been hiding under a stone for the last 100 years, this is the story??..

Miserable git Scrooge is visited by three ghosts, sees the error of his ways, become a new man, Job Done.

(Well, the novel?s a bit more exciting than that but that?s the jist).

He meets the Ghost of Christmas PAST, who shows him the mistakes he?s made in life and how his horrible, cold, view of the world was formed.

Secondly, it?s the Ghost of Christmas PRESENT, who shows him the life he?s leading is without joy, focusing on things that make life hard.

And then it?s the Ghost of Christmas FUTURE who shows him where that leads >>>> the grave!!!

So what?s this got to do with Charles Dickens dressed in lycra doing aquarobics at your local swimming pool?

(bit of a stereotype there sorry, I?m definitely not like that!)

Well, it?s the story he conjured up in that wonderful mind of his was light years ahead of its time.

And it?s what we in the fitness industry use to really help people transform their lives.

Think about it ??..

The ghosts showed Scrooge >>>>>

What he had been doing wasn?t making him happy or helping him live life to the full – Past

Showed him his life was massively being affected by how he was living – Present

Created a vision of the future to motivate him to make big changes in his life – Future.

How does this all translate to your life?

(Your Past)

You?ve tried short term fixes, lost a bit of weight, they weren?t enjoyable or sustainable, you couldn?t maintain it, you gave up, weight goes back on, and more.

(Your Present)

You?re stuck in a rut, focusing on things that have failed in the past, don?t give you what you want or make you happy, leaving you feeling totally miserable, frustrated, hopeless.

(Your Future)

You try a new way (which is scary) and you create and feel a vision for the future, you work out how to get there. You stick to it.

?.. The exact same formula that our mate Dickens used.

You don?t have to read the novel to get the real message about this tale.

At Hurley Fitness, we like to keep things SIMPLE. So here?s what you need to do to show you understand what I?m talking about ??..

  • Decide to stop what you know doesn?t work. Be honest with yourself, draw a line in the sand. Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Cambridge Diet, Atkins, Keto, Paleo, and all the rest. THEY FAIL.
  • Decide (clearly, and I mean SUPER clearly) what you want to achieve and choose a SUSTAINABLE, MANAGEABLE method that suits your lifestyle. Find someone who knows and ask them!
  • Stick to the simple principles you’ve learned (no matter what happens) for at least 12 weeks.

There you go.

Oh you?d like a Christmas gift of a meal plan and fitness regime to get started?

Here?s your pressie:

Eat quality protein 4 times a day.

Eat a lorry load of vegetables with every meal.

Drink tonnes of water until you?re sick looking at the toilet.

Be active every day.

Simple right?

Like Scrooge, you can choose to take the easier, clearer, more effective path and vision shown to you.

Or ??.

You can stay in the present.

Go on!! Make a sensible, happier choice. You deserve it!!

Hope this helps 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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