Dieting Confusion Kills Progress

Posted On February 25, 2022

It’s proven that by the end of February, we’ll begin to seek information about “what diets are best?” (thank you Google!)
As you could expect, dreary Jan and Feb start with a burst of enthusiasm after a period of abundance. But it often doesn’t go to plan right? Reality kicks in!
Then the information gathering begins …….
Apologies for hauling this cliche from the bottom of my cliche bag but …. The basics work for a reason!
If you are NOT following the basics, then diverting attention to something else (which is exactly the same thing) packaged differently, is simply delaying the process. AND fostering confusion.
OK, So What Are The Basics?
(1) Tracking Nutrition (most important)
Doesn’t matter what method you use to measure portions/calorie intake. MyFitnessPal or using your hand or a food diary. So long as you’re using something consistently, and monitoring how it’s going, something that suits your lifestyle and personality. And so long as it’s working – perfect!
What doesn’t get measured is guesswork.
But a simple way to look at it: whatever you’re using, if fat loss is a goal, and nothing is changing, alarm bells should be ringing. Something needs looked at.
We either: need to change the method OR go back to being more consistent with what we’ve chosen.
**Unfortunately, energy balance (Calories in vs Calories Out cannot be avoided)**
(2) Strength Training 2-3 times per week
You’ve got this covered with us right? So you’re off to a great start. Higher muscle mass = higher metabolism = more calories burned. Simple!
(3) Hitting Protein Targets
Vital for maintaining or building lean muscle (which increases metabolism right? More calories burned!) Plus it keeps you more full for longer. Harder to break down so provides a slow release of energy = less slumps at 3pm at the desk = less need to reach for a sugar boost! Two fantastic reasons to make this a main focus.
(4) More Daily Activity
This accounts for typically 10-15% of your energy burn each day. NEAT: Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Simply, moving around each day, walking, going up stairs, gardening, hoovering with vigour, anything that is NOT exercise.
If you’re at a desk, sedentary job, try to get 40 – 60 mins of light activity in. For example, 2 x 20 mins walks. It’ll help your goal AND do you mindset good to get away from the desk!
(5) Sleep
Relaxed, quality sleep, 7-8 hours on average. This is when your body recovers and repairs itself. Your body functions better (including fat loss) when you’re well rested and repaired.
Are you covering these five basics????? Once again, they work for a reason.
Final Thoughts
We feel it takes as much (if not MORE energy and dedication) to follow an alternative method that the numerous versions out there. Perhaps considering these is avoiding the basics? Avoiding the basics delays meeting your needs. 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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