Do NOT Rely On Motivation (all the time) …..

Posted On April 15, 2022

Motivation Is Like Petrol. It’s Gonna Run Out!


Possibly the biggest reason we hear why people aren’t health focused.

We definitely appreciate how tough it can be, for example, to exercise alone, we know the pitfalls.

But its useful to understand: motivation is a finite energy source. No one is 100% motivated, 100% of the time.
Motivation will peak and dip. If we only rely on motivation, we’re in trouble.

Discipline needs work, habits repeated daily, over time, so they become woven into your fabric.
Days when it’s the last thing you want, do it anyway.

How can you do this??? How can you overcome the voice in your head whispering excuses, not to do it?

**think about how you’ll feel if you don’t do it….. Disappointed, stressed, frustrated.

**then focus on how you’ll feel when you do get up and do it. Energised, happier, proud.

Should be a good enough reason to do it.

How do you motivate yourself or stay disciplined? Drop us a comment. We’d love to hear 🙏

Written by Kevin Hurley

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