Do You Find This As Annoying As I Do?

Posted On January 14, 2022

It’s YOUR Fault They Say (Trainers that is).

Ever feel like you have no motivation for exercise? Absolutely no intention of getting going (if you’re honest) despite the best intentions? Yep, we’ve all been there.

Now you’ll see and hear, muscled up, protein-shakes drinking, fitness people informing you: “You just don’t want it enough” and “It’s not that important to you“.

There’s an element of truth in this but the delivery is AWFUL! It just lacks a bit of empathy and compassion in our humble opinion!

Most people will exercise for reasons which AREN’T very inspiring in the long term.

Like: “To lose weight” or “To get fit” or (worse of all we feel) “To burn calories”.

You’re likely to be much more motivated if you give yourself an iron-clad, solid, exciting, really, really REALLY important reason to do it.

Here are mine.

I’m by no means a genetically enhanced super-hero, just a normal 40-something guy with a young family trying to have the best quality of life for my wife and kids that I can.

But these reasons are powerful. And they help me get out of bed in the morning, even when I don’t feel like it. As we know we can’t be motivated all the time, so this is great advice.

Give yourself a great reason to make your health a priority. Think about it every day, and especially every night before you fall asleep. This DOES work!

What are you’re reasons for exercising? Drop us an  email, we always love to hear what you think. 🙂


Written by Kevin Hurley

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