Does Success Mean Being “Thinner”???

Posted On April 26, 2024

Let’s talk “RESULTS“.

What do “results” mean. We’ll hazard a guess to say 99.9% of people (including trainers) will = WEIGHT LOSS.

Success will largely be defined by a drop in scale weight or a before-and-after pic.

“To get results, you need to train 3 times a week and eat this, to look like this…” says the fitness professional.

We have a very different take on success and ‘results’.

Remarkably, we take all focus away from weight, the scales — and we focus on getting stronger and fitter.
Our result is helping people to ❤️❤️❤️ exercise, to stay consistent (finally), to 🔥🔥🔥energy, to feel better 🤸.

When this magic happens, the SMALL things day-to-day follow. Like:

– making better choices in the supermarket ✅
– getting into the garden
– getting off the phone in the evening ✅
– going to bed a bit earlier ✅
– taking the stairs ✅
– walking to work ✅
– booking workouts for next week (in advance!!) ✅
– and so on …..

We’ll be honest. We did the low calorie meal plan, before and after photos, years ago. And saw how it helped people … For a short time (but no longer!)

Today, we focus on results for life. Moving better, looking better and most importantly, FEELING better. 👊

**The graphic above comes from a lady who was stuck in a rut, stressed at work, suffered for years with a “bad back”, and desperately wanted to feel better. The above happened in 3 weeks!** ❤️

Any thoughts on this? We’d love to hear if you agree or disagree. Drop us a comment! 🙏

Written by Kevin Hurley

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