Does Eating At Night Make You Fat?

Posted On June 29, 2016

We’ve all heard this one right?

And you know what? I get it.

You’re less active at night, moving less, sleeping, so food won’t get burned off.

That’s the theory ……..

OR should I say MYTH.

Let’s consider that it take up to 8 hours for food to be digested.

You’re feeling peckish and have a late night snack before you head off to the Land Of nod.

By the time that food it fully digested, you’re up and in the shower.

Or maybe even doing yoga on the roof as the sun rises (*blank expression*).

So does timing of meals and eating matter?

My opinion:


But for the average person – not really.

((I’ll come to that in a second))

When does meal timing work???

If you time your meal/snack an advisable amount of time before a training session.

Which means you have oodles of energy in that session to hit it HARD.

(Like at our studio in Ely – BLATANT PLUG ALERT!!!!)

Also ….. AFTER the session – to replenish what you’ve burned and to reward your body for it’s efforts.

**Remember we don’t get fit/slim during the session, it’s largely what we do AFTER**

So what about the average person- regarding weight loss??


All that matters is the amount of calories taken in and burned over a 24 hour period.

If you want to lose weight, you burn more than you’re putting in. That is, an ENERGY DEFICIT.

— So it really doesn’t matter if those calories come in three meals, four meals, early, late, and so on —

Of course, we recommend quality, whole foods, MOST of the time ….. with the odd treat.

…….. But it’s really whatever suits that individual.

You just have to find out or you will already know.

(Personally I don’t like eating or exercising late – keeps me up! And I need my beauty sleep as you can see.)

So that’s my take on eating late.

Kinda fits in with our philosophy at Hurley Fitness in Ely.

Food is to be enjoyed. Food is as natural as air.

Food can spur you on to great success in weight loss.

But not that 1970’s eating grapefruit and doing sit ups millarkey.

Enjoy it.

Hope this helps 🙂




Written by Kevin Hurley

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