Everyone could do with losing a few pounds right? Or toning up some part of our body that we tend to look at in the mirror and sigh.
And we often end up working for hours, slogging away, getting nowhere and left wondering WHY??????
So I’m going to help you discover BASIC stuff which is fat loss GOLD >>>>>>>>
Ok this list could go on and on ……. but I know we like short, snappy, snippets of info. So, I’m keeping it SIMPLE and to the top three things you MUST do.
(1) Be Mindful of Calories.
Personally, I hate calorie counting. It’s not fun, it’s not for life, it’s not sustainable and it’s inaccurate to boot.
But …. you MUST somehow measure what’s going in to ensure you’re burning off more than you’re eating.
I use my hand to measure: Check this out >>>>?http://www.precisionnutrition.com/calorie-control-guide
Stick to three meals for simplistic purposes, with quality ingredients, in the correct proportions. BINGO!
**Three meals takes away the confusion about snacking which can lead to over-eating very quickly**
(2) Eat Enough Protein.
From experience, few people EVER hit their daily protein targets, worry about eating too much protein in case they get fat ….. but have no problem loading up on carbs.
Let’s keep it simple as poss! >>>
Eat a palm-sized, quality piece of protein with each meal, with a tonne of colourful vegetables. And I mean fill up.
That’s one powerful weight loss tip right there!
Protein preserves lean muscle tissue, helping to maintain a sky-high metabolism AND makes you feel more full = less snacking = satisfaction on reduced calories.
Easy stuff right? 🙂
(3) Weight Train.
It’s common to hit the cardio because it FEELS like a more intense workout.
Think sweat, red face, breathing out your backside.
But you only burn calories while you perform cardio (largely).
Lean muscle burns a shed-load all day long.
Perform weight training with INTENSITY (not a few bicep curls as you leave the gym) and you’ll get that sweaty, breathless feeling you like!
PLUS … you’ll be a calorie burning machine!
**p.s I like cardio, it has many benefits, beating stress and assisting fat loss BUT weight training should be your foundation**
There you have it folks: 3 things you can action immediately to get great results.
Let me know how you get on! 🙂