Fitness Is Mindset: A Great Example.

Posted On January 27, 2023

Yesterday was my first training session in 3-4 weeks. That has NEVER happened since I was 7 and started playing sport. It’s been a real constant in my life.

But I was flattened by my festive ear infection. With each week, I could feel myself getting weaker, less toned, bones hurting, walking the hall each morning

I was creaking more, getting out of a chair was taking more effort. Disintegrating before my very eyes!

However, I knew I had to get better, I needed rest. AND ….. I could return to where I was.

My goal was simply to MOVE. Break myself back in and send my body a signal — we are doing something different now going forward.

I did a really easy session at our facility on Ely. Just a personal trainer doing simple stuff, trying to complete the big lifts, with a much lighter load, higher reps.

And it got me thinking as I did. It’s common (I don’t want to use the word natural) – it’s common to think:

“Well, this is rubbish. I’m way behind where I was. Lost everything. Gonna have to start again. So frustrating!!)

I’m not an unsympathetic monster, I understand this. But it was so far down my list of thoughts, it almost didn’t register. And that interested me.

My thinking was this:

“Three weeks ago, I couldn’t stand. Today I’m squatting!”
“I can feel my heartbeat rising, it feels good. I’ve got a foundation I can build on.”
“My body feels good. Remember when I couldn’t open a car door due to pain?!”

Living in the moment, if you like. Not comparing what I could do X amount of weeks ago. Looking forward.
I’ve learned to think this way (it takes practice!). We’ll never have an easy ride with our fitness. It’s a bumpy route!

Busy with work
Kids need attention
Illness, personal or family
Motivation drops

They’ll all upset our progress. I’ve learned that these are always coming, as sure as winter comes. But good times will always follow, like the summer.

Starting to get a bit cheesy, so cutting this off! ๐Ÿ™‚

As you would expect, I think health is the greatest gift. Being able to work on it and nurture it, any time we want is a blessing.

Try not to beat ourselves up – when life takes over! Next time it happens, maybe remember this post. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘Š

Written by Kevin Hurley

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