Friday Fitness Myth – BUSTED!!!

Posted On September 9, 2016




“A good workout is only one where you end up exhausted and sweaty”

This is a good ‘un that’s been knocking about for years.

Its why, in my opinion, people hit the treadmill when they want to lose weight or get fit.

Anyway, here’s what a good workout is…….

One where you were able to PROGRESS.

That is, get better, get stronger, get fitter.

And that may not mean getting all red-faced and sweaty!!

Watch my videos, you’ll see the people ALL say they expected to be BEASTED army-style into the ground.

Panting, and screaming and gasping for oxygen.


What they got was a controlled, progressive program that made them fitter, stronger, leaner, more confident, and the rest.

Do you get sweaty sometimes? Of course.
Is it challenging? Definitely
Do you get out of puff? Sometimes.

But the EASIEST thing in the world is to make someone TIRED.

Being tired is not a sign of a good workout.

Being tired from being beasted in a session is child’s play.

The skill is to make someone get better WITHOUT THEM REALLY KNOWING.

Until they step onto the scales, or catch themselves in the mirror.


Another myth – BUSTED!!! 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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