COMMUNITY makes fitness work!
We focus too much at times on what nutrition and training is best. They have their place but ……
If people are engaged, enjoy their experience – they’ll turn up (which is the majority of the battle!)
A HUGE part of this is liking the people you workout with – so we’ve organised a huge amount of events already for 2024.
We want our members to relax this Christmas, be able to let go a little, eat and drink more (we all do!) — but knowing that next year is planned.
No need to feel guilty or worry about what impact the break will have on their weight. They can enjoy Christmas and the extra pounds it inevitably brings – KNOWING things can be fixed easily in January.
That’s a great place to be, a powerful mindset! 🙂
We’ve got a packed calendar to ensure they have the comfort of knowing 2024 will be just as good!