How To Live Pain Free ….

Posted On March 17, 2022

Life Can Be A Real Pain… (But It Doesn’t Have To Be!)

If you’ve been following our stuff on social media for some time, you may have noticed that we’re slightly different from most fitness facilities.

One of our main distinguishing points is: we focus on making peoples’ lives easier. (Most places will push their weight loss ethos, showing before and after photos – we don’t.)

Our thing is to show how peoples’ lives have improved as a result of our programs.

We prefer to help people to firstly, factor exercise regularly into their lives. We do this by helping them enjoy it!

Once they’re attending regularly, and seeing their fitness and strength increase, we then help them improve their performance in every session.

At this stage, being the best version of themselves, we always see that person’s life improve. Their confidence, their physique, their energy, their happiness.

NOW …. we’re onto something!

This person will generally be pain free as a result of being stronger, more mobile and fitter.

Let’s be honest, when you deal mostly with people 50+, getting out of bed and walking can be a real challenge in the morning. This is typically accepted as “getting older”. Aches and pains, little pulls and tweaks — that never seem to heal or leave the body — are classified as “bad knees/hips/shoulder/back“.

But imagine being PAIN FREE.

Waking up and walking with ease, being able to get off the floor without holding onto things and groaning, able to put on a seatbelt with your shoulders and neck feeling like they’re about to tear, lifting kids/grandkids without fear.

They may seem like small, insignificant things but a pain free life is a happier life. It means you can exercise regularly and be more consistent. You’ll have more experiences you enjoy. Life will feel good!

We’re always surprised by how many people we meet that live with pain. But even more so, pleasantly surprised by how lives improve after incorporating strength work into their schedule.

If you’re racked with daily pain, get stronger!!

Let us know what aches and pains you have. We’ll give you our best advice to help you get rid if it.


Written by Kevin Hurley

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