The Known And UNKNOWN Sides To Weight Loss.

Posted On July 22, 2016


That’s my Friday thought…….

((Another piece if advice I give myself almost weekly))

Hope you can take some goodness from it too.

We have magazines, fitness companies, trainers, all claiming to change your body in five minutes flat.

And when it doesn’t happen OR you hit a bump in the road – you can PANIC.

Get stressed.

Think the whole thing’s blown out of the water.

AND …… you may even give up.

But just think of this >>>>>

IF you’re doing the correct things – CONSISTENTLY.

It’s hugely difficult if not IMPOSSIBLE to get where you want to be eventually.

Is it easy sometimes? Hell NO.

It’s HARD when it doesn’t go as quickly as you want. Frustrating as heck.

You look at others who can seem to do it easily.

But that’s THEM. You are YOU.

Your journey will never be the same as anyone else’s.

You are UNIQUE.

If it ain’t working – tweak it. fix something. Make some improvement.

It’s a much better response than giving up right?

Effort overcomes adversity – EVERYTIME.

So let’s go into the nuts and bolts of this.

For weight loss >>>>>

The BIG focus should be:

(1) Be in a calorie deficit daily
(2) Eat enough protein
(3) Follow a progressive weight training program.

**Most people don’t have a clue how many calories or protein they’re getting which may be a clue why things don’t work**

My BONUS tips are this: (Nearly ALWAYS overlooked)

(1) RELAX – daily life is stressful. If you’re telling yourself you can’t take 10 mins out of your day then we have problems

(2) SLEEP PROPERLY – no screens before lights out, no sugar or coffee in the evening, read a book, get comfortable.

(3) BE GRATEFUL – Our lives are pretty amazing no matter how much we tell ourselves life is s***. If you’re grateful, you’re happy!

This is what has helped me immensely.

Hope you like it

Written by Kevin Hurley

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