Information: Paralysis By Analysis.
We’re SWAMPED with information. At our fingertips 24-7.
With fitness, it’s “this program burns fat best” or “this diet plan gets the best results”. Over and Over. #confusing!
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google. Going round in circles.
The average person doesn’t need further information. In fact, the basics are always EASIER than the research.
– Hydrate
– eat fairly well (70/30)
– Sleep
– move every day
Cover these basics consistently for weeks, be patient, and things will happen.
– Improved body composition
– Boosted energy
– Positive outlook
– Fitter, healthier
Less information. More action.
p.s We’re about to launch a free 4 Week Accelerator for our members in Ely. We do this 2-3 times a year. We get them to do these simple steps, supporting each other in teams. They lose 1-2lbs each week doing SIMPLE stuff. But more importantly, perhaps. they feel great! 🙂