It’s OK For That Skinny B****……..

Posted On October 13, 2015

My word, his breath STUNK.

His teeth were brown from smoking roll ups.

Lots were missing.

Don?t even mention personal hygiene.

It didn?t exist.

He REVOLTED me (if I?m honest).

A guy I used to know, I mean.

When I worked on a building site, he worked there.

Rough as heck he was, uncultured.


Then one day???.

We finally spoke with each other.

And it turned out he

was one of the most interesting people I?d met!

Been all over the world, saw it all, and he had a WICKED sense of humour.

((From that day, I promised myself I would never again judge

a book by its cover))

Too easy to assume things about people isn?t it?????

Let?s take our weight for example.

I?m gonna assume some of you struggle with your weight. Did

the yo-yo diet thing.

Failed again and again over years.

Been left feeling MISERABLE, lacking confidence,

maybe even given up.

When you see someone your age, slim, seems happy, doesn?t have

to worry about their waistline.

–Well they?re different aren?t they??????

It?s easy for them. Comes


They don?t know what you go through.

Never struggled have they????

I?m different. My lifestyle just doesn?t allow me to be like

that. My body is different.

And so on??..

Well, never judge a

book by its cover.

Because ???. (Here?s the hard part) ??. They?re NO DIFFERENT

from you.

Yep, you heard.

Same obstacles, same busy life, same family problems, same

money worries, same whatever it may be.

Difference is >>>>>>> They manage it.

Their head doesn?t beat them.


It?s not their food

It?s not their exercise plan.

It?s not magic pill they take.


They?ve taken responsibility for their actions.

Taken action.

Sorted it.

((Don?t get me wrong, it?s not easy))

But it?s not as hard as you may think

Start tomorrow!

Speak soon,


Kevin ?No Judge And Jury? Hurley.

Written by CelticWebs

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