Personal Trainer Makes New Year Plea SHOCKER!


Posted On December 28, 2016

“I’m a personal trainer making a plea with you today”…..


Its THAT time of the year again when the slimming world leaflets are falling through the letterbox.

All fitness companies will be shouting the SAME message to reel you in.

Magazines filled with weight loss stuff recycled with the same stuff from last year.


Failing again.

Continuing to grind our confidence to dust.

Reinforcing bad habits, not soothing them.

So……… All I ask is this.


What have you got to lose? The old cycle ALWAYS ends in tears, right?

Yes, I get it. It’s SCARY. Trying something that’s unknown territory that is.

We like to stick with something that’s FAMILIAR, even if we know it’s FLAWED.

This is what you’ll find:

Whatever you try, it won’t be any worse than what you’ve tried already.

And you may even have SUCCESS.

How did I learn this lesson?????

The same way I beat all my bad habits — I got STRONG.

Physical strength first, mental strength closely second.

I wish I had a pound for every time someone told me it was easier to be motivated for exercise,

…… to resist the biscuit tin, to get out of bed when it’s dark >>>> because they felt POWERFUL following our program.

How about trying something we DO and something we’ve had SUCCESS with personally this year.

Hope this is more helpful than >>>>>>>

– Set goals not resolutions
– It’s a lifestyle not a diet
– Davina McCall’s new sugar free diet weight loss junk
– etc etc etc Zzzzzzzzzzzz

You know, all the stuff you ALREADY know!!!!

It would be silly to continue following that path right?:)

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Written by Kevin Hurley

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