Is This The Reason Why You’re Stuck? (Slimmers Beware!!)

Posted On September 14, 2017

Everyone’s shouting weight loss right?

Gyms, studios, magazines, boot camps. One big pot.

“Lose X stones in X weeks”. “Drop A Dress Size …..” etc.

But you know what? I think it’s all garbage.

How do I know? Because it’s not working!!!!

Sure some people do well but the majority???

>>>>> We’re getting fatter, more unhealthy, the figures are there to prove it.

So this says to me that tackling weight doesn’t solve the problem.

Surely it’s time for a new way????

What’s prompted me to write about this today. >>>> Someone I now who was doing brilliantly at Slimming World …… put it all back on (and more).

What’s their reaction: “Need to go back to Slimming World”. **Shocked Face**

That’s a vicious cycle if I ever saw one! But it’s common. Thinking that being light will make you happy.

Here’s a FACT:

Food is only a symptom of some other deep emotion. Food is NOT the problem.

Yet, we target food as the cause.

We have issues with food because of powerful emotions like self-loathing, low self-esteem, loss, grief, bereavement, fear, boredom, stress.

Being LIGHTER does NOT fix this!!

So what’s the answer.

Well, I decided some years ago that I would take a different route to success.

>>>>> Focusing on giving people better confidence and self-esteem.

Through becoming as physically strong as they can be.

**I’ve researched this** ….. There’s a powerful link between physical and mental strength.

When you’re STRONG, you’re happier, make better food choices, have more energy, feel more confident with your partner, can play more with your kids, take up hobbies, live your life!

And as a result you get lean and fit as well …. the very thing you were after in the first place!

It just makes sense to me.

Sometime to think about before all the gyms, trainers, magazines start scaring you with the Xmas is coming millarkey.

Forge a new way. Life is short. Push your limits. Enjoy success. Be happy.

That’s my way anyway. Hope this helps 🙂





Written by Kevin Hurley

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