SNACKING – All You Need To Know ….. (Not what you think!)

Posted On February 1, 2018

This is a question I get asked all the time: ?I get so hungry in the afternoon and don?t know what is healthy to snack on. What?s best??

Ok, I get it. There is so much information out there about what you should eat, what is healthy, what is ?bad? we end up extremely confused!

So, at Hurley Fitness we make it really simple??.

Let me guess:

The answer you expect >>>> Fruit and vegetables make better snacks because they?re lower in calories, higher in minerals etc etc. Am I right?


Mainly, because you already know this information, you?ve tried it and it doesn?t work!

Here?s my take??..

Firstly, hunger is not really hunger is it? Feeling peckish in the office when you kick-start a fat loss program is not TRUE hunger, let?s be honest!

It?s usually this ? on a fat loss program, we usually cut back on carbs and sugar/processed stuff.

Fact is, our body likes sugar. And if it?s not getting it, it will crave it and throw out some emotions associated with cold turkey.

  • Rumbling stomach
  • Headache
  • Convincing thoughts you?re hungry
  • Thoughts about sugary foods

This is not hunger. It will pass if you distract yourself from it by doing something else. Our bodies DO NOT need it.

Sit things out for a week or so, trust me, cravings will subside and you?ll realise, it was largely a habit, not a need.

Secondly, mid-morning or mid-afternoon snacking is often a sign of boredom. Think sitting staring at a spreadsheet on a computer screen. Not exciting is it?

Unconsciously, we will try to break the boredom by either, snacking or getting up for a cup of coffee ? the 2 classics! (Done that!)

Lastly, thirst will be confused with hunger. If we are dehydrated, our body will look for hydration. If it ain?t water, it?ll look for food! Cue the snacking pangs!!

So ??

That?s the reality — backed by science — but let?s make it REAL, and find a SOLUTION.

((This is the bit you probably won?t expect)).

I?m not an old man BUT I do remember there was a time when it was frowned upon to eat between meals.

Mothers could be heard screaming at their foraging kids, heads buried in the larder: ?Get out!!!! You?ll not eat your lunch!!?

And research shows that eating on the go, like munching on a sandwich on the train to work, was a big social no-no, considered rude!

How times have changed!!

So the idea has developed, you must snack!! Backed by the UNTRUE theory that eating numerous small meals a day, including snacks, burns more calories.

Truth Bomb: You DO NOT need to snack.

The simplest way to eradicate all the confusion around snacking and calorie intake is this:

>> Stick to 3 nutritious, wholesome, quality meals per day, with lots of water<<

((Not exactly starvation is it?))

IF you are hungry, you either need to drink more water OR have a slightly larger breakfast, lunch or dinner.

**But how can I lose fat if I?m eating bigger meals**?

You?re not!

Snacking adds a tonne of unnoticed calories that ?don?t count? and get forgotten about.

If you?re eating meals AND snacking, chances are your daily calorie intake in higher.

Oh and that little glass of wine that ?we always have? with dinner counts too.

Bottom line again: (As if you didn?t know this)

  • Drink 2-3 litres of water
  • Stick to 3 whole food meals per day
  • Eat protein with each meal
  • Vegetables by the barrow load
  • Respect processed stuff.

How simple is that?

Admitting it and doing it is the hard part!

Hope that adds value J


Written by Kevin Hurley

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