Strength Work For Fat Loss – Amazing Example

Posted On November 9, 2023

We Stepped Onto Scales….. NEVER!

LIFT WEIGHTS FOR LIFE — (weight loss will follow). That’s the Hurley Fitness ethos.

Remarkably, for a fitness facility, weight loss isn’t our main focus at Hurley Fitness.

Our main goal is to help people to:

Train consistently โœ…
Move better โœ…
Feel better โœ…
Enjoy the experience โœ…

If we can help people to tick these boxes, everything else falls into place.

An amazing example, is our Annie (pictured) who has been with us for around 2 years. What progress!

**Without ever following diets, counting calories, or doing ‘unfun’ stuff!**

In fact, believe it or not – we’ve NEVER stepped onto a scale or even talked about weight loss. Weird huh?

We’re incredibly proud today. ๐Ÿ˜

Here are Annie’s own words:

I don’t like or usually blow my own trumpet.. so I apologise.
But…I have been getting fitter (Massive thanks to Hurley Fitness… Kevin Hurley Dominic John Francis ) and slowly losing weight since I retired just over two years ago.
My weight is now the lowest it has been for 15+ years. But what brought it home to me was a candid photo shared of me from the weekend, where I actually didn’t feel ashamed when I saw it!
Feeling pretty smug this morning.

Written by Kevin Hurley

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