Sun’s Out – Eating Better = Easier Weight Loss or Not?

Posted On May 9, 2016

Everyone feels better in the sun right?

Vitamin D good for the soul!

Lifts the mood, we tend to get outdoors more, eat better food, drink more water.

It’s easy during the spring/summer.

(Especially if there’s a holiday on the horizon. Tends to focus the mind!)

But what happens when the sun ain’t shining across beautiful Ely.

Does it go to pot?

Does colder weather make us want to stay in? Hibernate? Eat comfort food?

— Don’t worry, I’m a personal trainer, I know the answer —


And I get it.

Humans require comfort of course.

But when you’re beating yourself up all year about weight loss that may be failing, that’s gotta be uncomfortable too!!

So what’s the secret???

My take is thus:


Yep, truth is you have COMPLETE control over everything you desire.

You can FEEL whatever you want.

If you look out the window and it’s raining and you sigh – that’s your choice.

You made yourself feel that way

= same way you did this weekend when you looked out and Ely was drenched in sunshine so you know this is true.

(I worked this out a long time ago)

I used to be a weather moaner too. The seasons ruled my day.

Problem was, on these shores, about half my year was pretty depressing!

So I decided to change it.

Worked on telling my head how I wanted to feel.

And it was HARD at first – as it’s a habit you need to develop.

But now I rarely think about it.

I’m not blowing my own trumpet here.

Just want to show that, if I can do it, so can you, with practice.

Train your emotions to be LEVEL on a DAILY basis.

Level emotions mean:

Nothing can throw you off course.

Unable to resist a cake being passed around at work?

Ah well, I’m exercising tonight and it’s only one cake.

Missed a training session because you were too tired after work?

Ah well, I’ll go tomorrow and make sure I hit it hard.


Level emotions, taking everything in your stride, in control.

That’s how LASTING weight loss happens.

It’s not measuring carbs, or restricting food or any particular type of exercise.

It’s sorting YOURSELF

So it’s always sunny in your head 🙂



Written by Kevin Hurley

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