The Downside To Weight Loss …..

Posted On October 14, 2022

A BIG Pitfall Of Weight Loss.

We all know that having a healthy weight means a healthier life right?

BUT …. there is a downside!

When weight loss is our sole goal to exercise, it becomes a means to “burn calories”. And let’s be honest, we can get enthusiastic about burning calories and “being good” for a VERY short time.

**Have a think about doing this in the past: Has it been REALLY successful? Has it lasted a long time? Has it been enjoyable?** (My guess is NO – to all three).

So weight loss does have it’s place. (Several times a year we run weight loss challenges in Ely). BUT it’s much more valuable to reframe how we think about exercise and health.

What REALLY keeps us motivated is having a proper reason to exercise (much more powerful than ‘losing weight’).

– I feel so much more energetic and able to do more because I’m exercising regularly
– I’ve worked on my emotions and nutrition to better understand myself
– My partner made a comment and how great I was looking, I’d liked that!
– I’m not feeling so much aches and pains when I get out of bed in the morning
– My kids commented how much happier I seemed on the school walk
– Clothes feel so much better on me which has boosted my confidence
– I’m seeing more opportunities and joy every day with a positive mindset
– We could go on……!

THIS is the stuff which will keep us on the bumpy path that is our health and fitness journey …. forever!!

We’ve included a testimonial from our Ely member Tom to show exactly what we mean. Life is better for him, more pain free, exercise and health is a pleasure (not a chore). This is what we try to instil in our members.

Moving away from attaching our self worth and success to a scale weight and towards things that really make us happy – making our life incredibly joyful – is a powerful tool. It takes practice but it’s so worth it.

How do you measure your success in fitness? Drop us a message, we’d love to hear your experience.

Written by Kevin Hurley

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