The Hurley Fitness Secret Weapon!

Posted On October 19, 2023

Running a business is hard! The stress, the uncertainty, the pressure (at times).
Did you know it’s also a very LONELY experience? When you are the person who is tasked with enormous responsibility?
To create decent service, plan everything, and eventually become responsible for providing a livelihood for your staff. That’s pressure!
Sometimes days and weeks feel like everything is falling apart around you. The stress can almost be unbearable.
I’ve had many sleepless nights with a problem, or three, running through my head.
Thankfully I have this person beside me who always acts as a sounding board.
The calm, measured advice she has always given me in the background has been central to where we are today.
Sinead doesn’t have a fitness background, she doesn’t have business experience – but she knows people.
She’s always allowed me to take a breath, hear a different viewpoint and create a different approach. Invaluable for running a people business!
So whilst our coaching staff are the face of the business – this person is very much the unsung hero.
We’re proud to be a genuine family business that has a great relationship with its members – with Sinead central to everything. 😊🙏

Written by Kevin Hurley

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