My top 5 Tips To Kill Food Cravings and Accelerate Weight Loss

Posted On April 5, 2016

We’ve all been there right?

Trying to “be good”, been at work, been strong all day.



Yep, even this personal trainer can succumb to the dreaded night-time cravings that can kill weight loss efforts STONE DEAD (Boom!)

First things first >>>>>>

Experience says cravings come from one (or two) of two things………




You know, sitting in front of the TV, looking at but not watching some piece of garbage entertainment on the box — then the cravings kick in.


It’s your active brain just BORED out of its skull. It needs some proper stimulation – like a book!!

But, next time it happens, just have a think about how much water you’ve taken in that day.

The brain can identify THIRST as HUNGER.

Then you go for the cookie jar.

((Then tell yourself you have no willpower and all those other negative emotions. Yuk!))

Ok ……..

I’ve been plying my trade in Ely for manys a year and I’ve picked up the top 5 tips to kill cravings dead in their tracks.

In no particular order:

(1) Drink a pint of water

Kill that possible thirst, fill your stomach with water and distract yourself for five minutes.

(2) Sniff Vick’s Vaporub

Weird eh? BUT menthol is proven to eradicate food cravings instantly. Hit your local Boots and get one!

(3) Brush your teeth

Again menthol and distraction for five minutes. See a pattern developing? 🙂

(4) Play your favourite song

Your favourite song is just that for a reason – it’ll be associated with great memories. The feel good factor PLUS the five minutes not thinking about that Mars Bar in the fridge means you’ll be less likely to munch.

(5) Give up TV several hours before bed

The dreaded box! Boredom, lack of stimulation, lounging about, not moving. No wonder you start to drift towards the fridge. Read something, go for a walk, just DISTRACT yourself for several minutes.

Trust me.

You’ll thank me later on.

((Next day you’ll be wondering: “WHY was I even thinking about that cake??” 🙂

Good Luck!

Written by Kevin Hurley

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