Unsure How To Eat For Weight Loss? (Here’s the simple secret)

Posted On August 29, 2017

My view is that we shouldn’t be “on a diet”.

My view is that food should be a PLEASURE, to be enjoyed.

Food is like breathing ……. it’s natural, it’s life-enhancing, it sustains you.

**So imagine you kept holding your breath, every single day. That would be stupid right? >> That’s dieting**.

Anyway ………

With this in mind, I try to help people learn a more enjoyable, sustainable, long-term method to still eat the things they like and get great results.


(1) Eat three quality meals each day.

(2) Each meal contains a lean source of protein

(3) 50% of your plate is colourful and leafy green vegetables

(4) We eat a thumb-size amount of fat with each meal, think avocado, nuts, coconut oil.

(5) Drink 2-3 litres of water per day

(5) Portions measured using this method:?http://www.precisionnutrition.com/calorie-control-guide

That’s it.

NOW …….

Even though this strategy is fool-proof, it CAN lead to this >>>>>>

“I need inspiration about what to eat”.

**Don’t worry, I’ve thought about this**

All you need to do is google “healthy meals”.

  • Pick 5 easy to prepare breakfasts you would enjoy.
  • Pick 5 easy to prepare lunches you would enjoy.
  • Pick 5 easy to prepare dinners you would enjoy.

Buy the ingredients, then rotate the meals as you please. You can be more adventurous at the weekends when you have more time.

>>>>>> You’ll never get bored.

Problem solved.

No meal plans, timings, weighing scales. No more excuses about not knowing what to eat. No obstacles. Just the need to DO IT!

Results on the way! 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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