Are You AVOIDING Action Before Xmas????

weight loss-boxing

Posted On December 13, 2016

Weight Loss – Are you avoiding taking action before Xmas?


Wonder if I’ve tapped into the way you’re thinking about your heath, fitness and weight loss?

Reason I ask is this ……

Chap who started taking back control of his life last week is ALREADY seeing results.

– Almost 5lbs down

– Trousers feeling looser

– Being active every day

– Resting heart rate down by 7 beats per min

– More confidence

– Making better food and alcohol choices

– Happier, in control of his life!

ALL before Xmas!!!

This means he’s gonna hit 2017 ON FIRE!!

And I’m talking a SERIOUS TRANSFORMATION. As he’s already in the mindset.

((Kick-starting a weight loss regime for LIFE is kinda easier when you’re starting almost half a stone down right?))

But everyone’s been saying: “You’re mad, it’s Xmas!!”

What they’re saying is really:

“I’m not doing it now, I know I won’t do it in the New Year”.

And because HE IS >>>> they wish to make themselves feel better.

Putting an excuse in the way of taking ACTION.

Trust me, there’ll be an excuse most likely in January, then the summer and so on…….

Who’s the MAD one????

That’s my thought for the day 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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