Weight Loss Is Easy – with your WHY?

Posted On August 31, 2016

POWERFUL weight loss tip!!

((Another one you won’t have tried))

Decide on your WHY?

— What is WHY? —

I mean, WHY you wish to lose weight, get fit, be healthier.

Once you have this understood clearly and vividly in your imagination, everything else falls into place much easier.

Let’s take an example………

>>>>>>> “I want to lose 2 stones”.

This is a common goal. Think about this: Does that get you REALLY excited, motivated to make real change to your life?

Would that help you overcome the challenges that weight loss and taking control of your life requires?

I don’t think it would personally.

But………… if you have a really, clear and powerful WHY? It will!!

Like this:

“I want to lose 2 stones because I got to Christmas last year feeling bloated and unfit. As a result I felt guilty about eating, drinking and enjoying myself.

“This year, I want to feel totally confident and relaxed so I can enjoy the holidays with my family properly”.

MUCH better isn’t it? And the more you remind yourself of this daily, the more you will be pushed towards your goal.

There’s no comparison really.

SO …….. Understand and visualise your WHY? Today!!!! ((Write it down if it helps)).

Once again, my advice is this >>> This WORKS.

If you think it doesn’t it means:

(A) You have never tried it

(B) You wish to continue the cycle of dieting and methods that have failed in the past (you know where that goes!)

(C) You might be fearful of failing again but trying a NEW approach means you’re starting to break the cycle.

Give this a go! Hope this helps 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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