Why We Don’t Do “Weight Loss” Calls

Posted On May 19, 2022

Turn Up, Do Your Best, See Your Efforts, Feel Good.

We help our members in Ely stay accountable using a heart rate monitoring system. We feel this is the best way to keep our people motivated.

We don’t think the weekly “how has your nutrition been?” accountability call works at all for our demographic. We know that people who are 45+, don’t want to be constantly on a “diet”.

They want to feel fit, toned and strong, feel good in their clothes, have balance with their nutrition, have a life. They want to have a few beers or a takeaway at the weekend, guilt free, without thinking their progress has been scuppered!

Instead, we ask them to be consistent with their sessions, do their best on the day, and compete with themselves. By doing so, they collect virtual points on our system which (human nature) means they want to do more!

Even better, everyone works to their own level but the fittest can still complete with the total novice (see pic).

With consistency of performance — Everything else falls into place.

How do you keep yourself motivated. Drop us a message, we’d love to hear. 🙂

The HF Coaching Team in Ely.

Written by Kevin Hurley

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