You Know What You DON’T Want, Not What You DO Want!

Posted On April 1, 2022

“Most people know what they DON’T want. And have NO IDEA what they DO want!”

That was a golden nugget of information which resonated with me from a mindset seminar I attended yesterday. It’s something I’ve noticed for years working in the fitness industry.

I’d always walk over to someone to chat, ask them WHY they were training. Few people even had a reason WHY! (typically, “It’s what I should be doing”, was the answer!)

But those that did, it was always what they DIDN’T want to be.

“I don’t want to be fat anymore.”
“I want to feel fit like when I was younger.”
“I don’t want to feel tried in the evening.”
“I don’t want to feel old, like I’m turning into my parents.”
“I want to feel attractive to my partner again.”

But here’s the powerful thing …….

Focusing on the type of person you want to be — that you WILL be — means you’ll start taking actions that align to that person.

Meaning, you visualise how you will look, how you will feel, what your energy will be like, what life will look like, what experiences you’ll have, what friendships, relationships, family life …..

Once a person focuses on this, and not what they want to get away from, …..magical things happen.

Doing this will generate excitement not regret. You’ll feel pleasure, not pain. And our mindset likes this!

This is a simple, but hugely powerful shift in mindset. We should all give this a go.

Hope this helps,


P.S here’s a elite level tip: visualise what you want to be, in the moments before you fall asleep. Our untapped, subconscious mind is especially alert and open at this time. So we can really influence it! 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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