You Think You’re Different Huh? ……. Here’s the Truth!!!!

Posted On June 5, 2019





One of my great strengths as a fitness expert (if I don’t mind saying myself!) ….. is EMPATHY.

I’ve always tried to appreciate where as person is coming from.

I’m not one of those: “You just need to stop eating so much, greedy” type of people.

See, I understand there is a myriad of reasons WHY someone is fat, overweight, unfit, whatever the case may be!

(Yeah food and exercise is a MASSIVE part of this. But so are other things like confidence, self-esteem, ambition, relationships, sleep, family, career etc etc).

HOWEVER ….. (cue jungle drums) …..

It’s my job to cut through the fog sometimes and give someone an honesty pill. Demanding but fair I call it!

Here’s the empathy:

I understand how hard fat loss and a fitness journey can be. If it was a walk in the park we’d all be walking about like Instagram addicts ooops I mean “influencers”.


It can be CONFUSING what exercise to do, what foods to eat.

It can be OVERWHELMING to know even where to start your journey.

It can be FRUSTRATING to work hard and not get the results.

And so on …….

This can often result in the brain helping us to overcome to heartbreak, the frustration, the overwhelm, by creating stories to sooth us, ease the pain, process the heart-ache.

I’m talking things like:

“Well, you’ve tried everything, nothing works.”

“You just have that body type, it’ll always be like this.”

“My family have fat genes and that’s it.”

Even >>>>>>

“I only have a certain number of heartbeats, I don’t want to waste them”. (yep, heard that!).

But here’s the truth (brace yourself): This is the Honesty ………..


You CAN do it (if guided properly).

There you go, you’re either inspired by this or thinking: what the hell does he know? Idiot!!

Take the lady in the pic above.

She was a typical yo-yo dieter for years.

One pound on, two pounds off, one pound off, three pounds on …….. for YEARS!

In her mind, nothing worked!!!!

Then Hurley Fitness got involved >>>> (cue Superman music!)

A matter of weeks later, she lost 28lbs – from eating lots of great food, balanced correctly, lifting weights, being her strongest and best.

We are REALLY proud of her achievements.

Because she proved herself wrong!

Now she’s loving life and feeling great – so we feel great too!

Takeaway point:

Humans are simple animals in essence. We are largely the same. Sure, some people have better genetics.

But ….. You CAN do it. Trust me.

You are not that different. Don’t believe the hype!

Written by Kevin Hurley

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