Weight Loss Not Working? ….. Just get happy šŸ™‚ (Secret recipe)

Posted On September 29, 2016

WEIGHT LOSS seems like EVERYONE’S focus these days.

What’s the reason? Who knows?

The media, magazines, Hollywood, maybe them all.

But ………

That generally leads to a frustrated, unhappy, tedious existence.

I mean, who has time to work, train 5 times a week, prepare every single meal, meditate, sleep perfectly always, lack stress, massages and spa days etc.


So when you don’t have the size 10, perfect body, guess who you blame? YOU!!

And that leads even further to a load of pain and torment.

So – how about changing that focus for once?

((Think of this: It’s not like the majority of us have been successful with weight loss right? Why continue to bang our heads against a wall!!))


— You’re probably thinking, here he goes on his hippy guff again —

But …….. I know this works. I’m doing it!!!!!!!

Here’s the plan (everyday):

You focus on what is GREAT in your life, I mean sit down in peace and for 10-20 mins just think of what you’re proud of. Breathe.

(This can be done anywhere, even in the car to work)

Remind yourself that you have ABUNDANCE already. You are not starving, you have heat, a bed, a roof, family, holidays, TV, etc. We are rich.

Fuel your body with better foods. Eat more Vegetables. Pizza three times a week does NOT make you happy. (You know this!)

An IMPROVED (not perfect) nutrition will make you happier and more confident.

Exercise at least three times a week. I know being STRONG accelerates this process but just do SOMETHING…… Move!

Drink a tonne of water.

There you go.

I GUARANTEE if you follow this simple plan for several weeks you will be infinitely more confident, happier, more energetic and willing to take on anything.

Sounds much better than being obsessed with food right? Beating yourself up because things seem out of control? Constantly playing the blame game? Beating yourself up non-stop?

Why not try it then?

As I said, I do it. It works.

So I’m gonna keep doing it (of course)

Written by Kevin Hurley

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